Advanio Technology exhibited the solution of smart switchgear monitoring solution in the year 2019 seminar of Taiwan Professional Electrical Engineers Association

In the year 2019 seminar of Taiwan Professional Electrical Engineers Association, Advanio Technology represented a demo monitoring solution to understand the condition of the switchgear. In order to prioritize corrective measures and plan maintenance outages prior to failures which support engineers more easily manage their devices via IEC 61850 and DNP 3.0 standard protocol. It is a necessary trend in the near future that all the devices are required to operate with the communication protocols that allow to integrate the data from each equipment and to improve operation and reduce risk. Managers need solutions to monitor switchgear, allowing them to take real-time decisions based on objective data. This issue is important, but a difficult task in reality at present in Taiwan. Advanio Technology understands the lack in the marketplace and provides better solutions. Besides, our various product options meet different requests, no matter in IEC, DNP or Modbus RTU RS-485 standard protocols, for the purpose of cost-effective and being more suitable to the small-scale field, we further provide small housing with fewer channels Modbus RS-485 and Modbus TCP remote I/O modules for the flexible product choosing. In this seminar, we have a lot of feedback from the engineers which is so positive to prove our solution benefited to solve the problems that engineers have had.
敏捷工控於今年電機技師會員大會中展示了智慧開關列盤的監控解決方案。此解決方案,可以幫助工作站的技師更輕鬆地管理所有設備和設施。設備的相關數據和操作可以通過符合國際標準的IEC 61850和DNP 3.0協議進行傳輸。敏捷工控業務部張經理表示「提高電力能源工作站管理效率已成為未來一項重點發展趨勢。」為了實現電力能源自動化的理念,敏捷工控從電力開關列盤的監控和通訊開始。另外,敏捷工控也提供新一代「少點數遠端資料採集I/O模組」,讓建置商於系統整合時達到降低製造成本並提升整體效益。以目前台灣的現況,電力能源領域和工作站仍然存在資訊流溝通的問題。因此,敏捷工控引入了新的解決方案,將傳統的Modbus RS-485協議轉換為IEC 61850和DNP3.0,以強化電站管理。

↑ Electrical engineers are having an explanation of the demo solution at Advanio’s booth. 電機技師參觀現場實機展示

↑The representative of Advanio is rewarding for the excellent new solution in Smart Power Energy application. 現場頒獎活動。
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2019 seminar of Taiwan Professional Electrical Engineers Association
Date : 2019 / 03 / 15
Time : 12:00~15:00
Place: No. 265, E Section 1, Guangming 6th Rd, Zhubei City, Hsinchu County, 302
日期 : 2019 / 03 / 15
時間 : 12:00~15:00
地點: 新竹縣竹北市光明六路東一段265號